February 21, 2012
Our most common question from customers at our retail store “European Focus Village” in the heart of Sarasota. The answer is, “yes, yes, yes!” But the twist is that European Focus does not just plan a “big bus tour” and then hope to fill it. We have turned the entire concept of escorted travel on its head, and we design trips built around our guests’ wishes, dreams and desires. This formula has been successful since 1995.
Due to all of the questions, however, we are going to try promoting a “Small Group Tour” with one caveat – all of the guests must either live full or part-time in the Sarasota, FL area. This way, our guests can meet one another and do a compatibility check before they make their commitment.
These tours will be promoted in our store only. A “Meet and Greet” event, hosted by James and Jenean Derheim, will determine if the mix of people is a success.
Local Sarasotans and those who live in Southwest Florida, stay tuned.