Staying two nights in one of Tuscany’s most fascinating and popular hill towns. San Gimignano is a real magnet for the bus tourists, who enter the southern gate in a non-stop flood starting around 10:30. First stop – the gelato shop just inside the first town square, winner of the award for “Best Gelato” several years running. There’s something amusing about watching tourists licking a towering gelato cone at 10:30 a.m. For me, breakfast is still at the top of my stomach.

Gelato at 10:30 a.m.
Speaking of stomachs, mine has expanded since arriving in Italy on May 6. Last night’s dinner was typical: a glass of Proseco to welcome us to o”Il Pino,” a lovely hole in the wall in the same family since 1929. This was followed by a first course of mushroom and duck lasagne – simply delicious. Main course for my guests was the wild boar stew served with a rich gravy of black olives and eggplant with tomatoes. I had the lamb, which was served wrapped in crispy, salty bacon. Spinach, perfectly done in garlic and olive oil was our side dish. To accompany, a couple of bottles of 2006 Chianti Classico. Dessert was the mixed cheese plate including of course parmesan and various goat cheese.
As I’ve said before, what’s not to love about Italy?