After Covid-19 A New Way of Travel

European Focus was at the forefront of sustainable, sensible and sensitive travel before it got to be a trendy thing. From the very beginning, three decades ago, owner and founder James Derheim knew that there just had to be an alternative to the mass-production, mass-group tours which were concentrated on “more, more, more” rather than quality and memories. That is why European Focus has always – and will continue – to focus on small groups of six or less, no mix and match with strangers, no hectic dawn to dusk itinerary and no rush-rush-rush. James has been promoting alternatives to the packed houses of Prague, Paris and London for years. Now, post Covid-19, he will make a stronger case for why Bath is better than London, why Budweis is better than Prague and why the countryside of Burgundy is so much more refreshhing than the long lines, intense traffic and nonstop noise of Paris. In fact, as we move forward, James may very well reject trip requests that ask for an all-city, all major capitals tour.

Now we have a chance to truly remake the travel experience. I hope that we never return to the days of lines stretching around multiple blocks to get into the museum which holds Michelangelo’s “David” in Florence. I wish to never again see four or five massive cruise ships docked in fragile Venice. I don’t want to see a Las Ramblas so packed that you cannot enjoy the street performers in Barcelona.

Please read this article, and thank you.

“The virus should force us to rethink an industry that was hurting local communities, wildlife and our world heritage — as well as disappointing tourists. As millions of travel and tourism workers now find themselves out of jobs, furloughed or, as in the case of some cruise ship employees, stuck i…

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Posted in Austria Tours, Belgium Tours, England Tours, Europe Tours, France Tours, Germany Tours, Hungary Tours, Ireland Tours, Italy Tours, Luxembourg Tours, New Discoveries, Norway Tours, Planned Tours, Poland Tours, Portugal Tours, Private Tours in Europe, Scotland Tours, Sweden Tours, Switzerland Tours, Undiscovered Places and tagged , , , , , , , , , , .