When in Dingle, Ireland…

Eat at “Out of the Blue” by all means, but beware, their tasty seafood chowder is expensive at 8.50 a bowl and it’s a small serving. Eat at Ashe’s Pub on Main Street for sure, but stay away from the awful Traditional Irish Stew. The lamb meat used is full of gristle and fat. Have […]

Postcard from Burano

http://www.facebook.com/?ref=home#!/pages/Sarasota-FL/European-Focus-Private-Tours/113833431988587?ref=sgm&ajaxpipe=1&__a=37 See more images on my Facebook page.

Greetings from Galway

“Stuck” in Galway City with computer issues, which are being taken care of by the people at the store I’m calling “The Hospital of St. Gigabyte,” otherwise known as Galmac computers in an industrial section of the city. We’ve been killing time while waiting for the operation to be completed by having a lazy morning […]

Another Season Begins – Year 21

I first landed in Frankfurt, Germany in July, 1989. Now more than two decades later, I’m making what has become these last fourteen years a regular journey over from Sarasota to Germany to start another season of private tours. A three hour long layover at JFK in NYC is not all bad, especially when you’re […]