Book Tours in Europe

Start today by filling out and submitting your Vacation Tour Application or Family History Tour Application. Please provide your telephone number. Sometimes our e-mail responses get caught up in our potential clients' "spam" filters and this has resulted in unnecessary delays and confusion when someone sends in an application and then wonders why they did not receive a response from us. We like to follow up with a phone call to make certain you received our response. Thank you.

Cousins Linda and Carol just spent eight days with us exploring ancestral villages in the Saarland, Rheinland and Black Forest. This was the first trip to Germany for the pair, and they loved it.

Custom Itinerary or Planned Tours

Marv Rosen looks at family photos and goes over genealogy with a relative at the Rosenwinkel home in Marklohe, Niedersachsen on September 28, 2014

With Vacation Travel

We rarely mix and match strangers on a tour. Get together with your friends or family and book the trip of a lifetime.