Building Future Adventures – Rovinj, Croatia

This is a treasure trove of photographic opportunities for any adventurer who loves to tote around a camera to record impressions. Whether from across the bay where one can capture a skyline which is reproduced on dozens of postcards, paintings and drawings sold around the town or from within the narrow confines of the medieval […]

Building the Perfect Trip at Villa Stefanija, Barban, Croatia

We’ve come in for a landing at the lovely, just opened Villa Stefanija overlooking the Istrian Coast outside the town of Barban, Croatia. Found through, we were delighted when we drove up to the house and saw the infinity pool blending into the wooded hillsides and the bay far below, which itself blends into […]

Building Future Trips – Poreč, Croatia

It seems as if everyone comes to Poreč, or what the Italians call “Parenzo.” Old photographs on the walls of the little place where we had a great lunch show scenes from 100 years ago when the town was just a fishing port with some interesting old Roman and Byzantine ruins. Now it’s chock-a-block souvenir […]