A Busy Day in the Black Forest

September 5 Genealogy enthusiast Ken Temple has researched his German ancestors back several centuries. One of his lines comes from ‘Baden,’ and he knows they lived in the ‘Weinland,’ but that is as far as his knowledge extends. Further research is possible but not really convenient. And so today, just to get the feel for […]

Welcome First Time Travelers Ken and Gloria

September 2 Ken and Gloria have taken one of those ‘If it’s Tuesday this must be Belgium’ bus tours through Europe. You know the ones. Breakneck pace, a different city every night and a different country every other day. They enjoyed the experience for what it was, but this time, for their return to Germany […]

2014 looks to be busiest year ever

July 23 With our 25th year looming ahead, and with 229 custom-designed trips under our belt, 2014 looks to be the year that we will most likely fill our calendar completely by the end of 2013, as our repeat clients book their next tour usually while they are on their current one, or soon after. […]

A New Englander’s View Of German Food

May 18 By Margaret Weiler Currently on tour with European Focus founder James Derheim in the Schwaebische Alb region of Germany One of the pleasures of revisiting Germany is reconnecting with German food.  In the United States good German food is hard to find, at least where we live in New England, and it is […]

The Origin of the Crucifix

May 17 On tour with genealogist Margaret Weiler in the Schwaebische Alb of Germany, we learned yesterday something very interesting from the former pastor of a very old church in the town of Heiningen. “Crucifixes were developed in Spain at the end of the 14th century to remind people of the hideous treatment of Jesus […]

A Visit to Dettingen unter Teck, Germany

May 16 By Margie Weiler This is my 4th tour with James Derheim, who has taken me to many ancestral villages, both mine and my husband Bill’s, in many south and western areas of Germany and the Zurich area of Switzerland.  I always have had a wonderful time seeing for myself where these ancestors lived […]

Oberwaelden – a village with more than 850 years of history

May 12                   We are on the trail of ancestors with genealogist Margie Weiler in the area around Goeppingen, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany. One of the highlights of Sunday was a visit to the hilltop hamlet of Oberwaelden. The church there, St. Nikolaus (built pre-Reformation in the early 1400s) […]