What You Don’t Get on a Mass Produced Bus Tour

Reason Number 187 to take a European Focus Private Tour Bus tours cram so much into a single day that there is no chance for being spontaneous or taking the road less traveled. If you like to get up at 5:30 and have your bags outside your door by 6:30 then bus tours are probably […]

Taking a Nap at 6,017 feet

A tourist naps on a bench above the Eagle’s Nest, known locally as the Kehlstein Haus. The site is popular with those wishing to have a splendid view over the Berchtesgaden Alps. One can see far into Austria from this vantage point. Or, one can examine the insides of one’s eyelids, as in this man’s […]

The Cinque Terre is Alive and Well After Flooding of 2011

May 18 News hit the world like a flash. The beautiful Cinque Terre of Italy’s Ligurian coast was destroyed by terrible mudslides in October, 2011. Torrential downpours had reduced the villages to colorful versions of Pompeii. Well, not entirely true, as we found out on a recent visit to this sparkling part of Italy. Two […]