Jet Lag Tips That Make Sense

September 16 By Amy Capeta Today Fatigue, impaired memory, inability to concentrate, change in mood, digestive issues … all symptoms of jet lag, all no fun. While it’s impossible to prevent jet lag, there are ways to minimize its effects. “The fundamental definition of jet lag is that there’s a misalignment between the internal clock […]

Our Schedule for 2014 is Nearly Full

January 15 Want to go to Europe on a private tour but depressed to see that your choice of dates are already booked? Our busy schedule does not mean you cannot have the pleasure of a private, custom-designed tour in Germany, Austria or Switzerland this year. Through our partnership with a reputable company we can […]

Plan Your Perfect Trip to Europe

With expert help from the seasoned guides of European Focus Private Tours. We work with singles, couples, families and groups of friends who have common interests. Best of all, your tour is led by the designer! No fumbling around, no getting lost, no wondering what hotel to use or where to eat or what to […]

2014 calendar update

Updated January 15, 2014 Thinking of a dream trip to Europe? So are these people. And, they have made their reservations already for travel in 2014. Don’t wait to fulfill your dreams of easy and relaxed travel in Europe. April 11 to 25: Tour for two, renewal of vows in Italy, first time clients Steve […]

2014 looks to be busiest year ever

July 23 With our 25th year looming ahead, and with 229 custom-designed trips under our belt, 2014 looks to be the year that we will most likely fill our calendar completely by the end of 2013, as our repeat clients book their next tour usually while they are on their current one, or soon after. […]

European Focus, Sarasota, FL

A unique company specializing in custom-designed, private tours created for singles, couples or families. We have also led tours for small groups of friends who have common interests and travel goals. We conducted 11 tours in 2012 between early March and the end of October and are looking forward to another exciting season in 2013.

Postcard from Lucerne

The beautiful and historic Chapel Bridge was constructed in the 14th century as part of the battlements around the medieval town of Lucerne. It stood for more than 600 years until a carelessly discarded cigarette burned more than 90% of the bridge in 1993. It was rapidly rebuilt. Visit Lucerne on a custom-designed, private tour […]