Prosit from Eissen, Germany

September 8

We visited Rottkamp cousins in Eissen, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany today. After waiting six years to take this trip, Gloria Temple met three cousins and their wives at a family reunion on September 8th including homemade cake and rolls, a visit to two ancestral churches and at the end, a farmer’s fest including organic beer.

Ingrid Rottkamp greets Gloria Temple, left, to her home in a converted train station on the edge of Eissen.

Ingrid Rottkamp greets Gloria Temple, left, to her home in a converted train station on the edge of Eissen.

Marion and Manfred Rottkamp, Norbert Rottkamp, Ingrid Rottkamp, Ken and Gloria Temple, James Derheim and Heike Rottkamp

Marion and Manfred Rottkamp, Norbert Rottkamp, Ingrid Rottkamp, Ken and Gloria Temple, James Derheim and Heike Rottkamp

Looking over genealogical records in the home of Marion and Manfred Rottkamp. Looking over Gloria's shoulder is her cousin, Norbert Rottkamp of Eissen

Looking over genealogical records in the home of Marion and Manfred Rottkamp. Looking over Gloria’s shoulder is her cousin, Norbert Rottkamp of Eissen

Gloria Temple stands at a baptismal font where her ancestors were baptized in Grosseneder, Germany

Gloria Temple stands at a baptismal font where her ancestors were baptized in Grosseneder, Germany

From left clockwise, Ken Temple, Manfred Rottkamp, Norbert Rottkamp, Heike Rottkamp, Gloria Temple and Uwe Rottkamp.

From left clockwise, Ken Temple, Manfred Rottkamp, Norbert Rottkamp, Heike Rottkamp, Gloria Temple and Uwe Rottkamp.

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