On the Way to the Dingle Peninsula of Ireland

We took the back country roads from Cashel to Tralee on our way to a two-night stay in Europe’s westernmost town, Dingle, on the Dingle Peninsula. These narrow lanes allow the traveler to see the real Ireland, and to take photographs which would not be possible if you’re on the big, fast-moving roads. First up, […]

A Private Tour in Europe – Benefit Number 431

Bus tours run you ragged with a planned schedule and a dawn to dusk itinerary which leaves zero time for spontaneous stops to take in the grandeur of the place you’re visiting. European Focus Tours are the opposite, allowing plenty of time for “doing your own thing,” even if that is stopping often to take […]

When in Dingle, Ireland…

Eat at “Out of the Blue” by all means, but beware, their tasty seafood chowder is expensive at 8.50 a bowl and it’s a small serving. Eat at Ashe’s Pub on Main Street for sure, but stay away from the awful Traditional Irish Stew. The lamb meat used is full of gristle and fat. Have […]


The view from the Connor Pass on a morning full of sunlight and clouds on the Dingle side. The heavenly sight nearly takes ones breath away – literally – it’s freezing up there! Below, the view a few minutes earlier from our lodge, the classy “Greenmount House,” which is without a doubt the finest address […]