Travel Tips, Packing Recommendations, Rules of the Road

TRAVEL TIPS TOP EIGHT European Focus, Inc. European Focus Private Tours Established in 1989 Do NOT hit print unless you want to burn up around 38 pages of paper – smile. Taking 35 – 40 minutes of time to read through these tips, gathered over a period of decades and watching hundreds of people make […]

Brexit Explained by a Great Writer

A bit dated, from 2016, but worth a read anyway. “It was the woman on Question Time that really did it for me. She was so familiar. There is someone like her in every queue, every coffee shop, outside every school in every parish council in the country. Middle-aged, middle-class, middle-brow, over-made-up, with her National […]

The Open Window Policy of the Dutch Explained

Those we bring to Amsterdam and other large Dutch cities are always amazed that the Dutch don’t cover their windows with blinds or curtain, as is the case in Germany, for example. The Dutch have long had a philosophy of “Let the light shine in, and my lights inside shine out.” We love it. Now […]

After Covid-19 A New Way of Travel

European Focus was at the forefront of sustainable, sensible and sensitive travel before it got to be a trendy thing. From the very beginning, three decades ago, owner and founder James Derheim knew that there just had to be an alternative to the mass-production, mass-group tours which were concentrated on “more, more, more” rather than […]

Coronavirus and Travel – and you

For up to date information please visit the official website of the CDC (Centers for Disease Control) The way I look at it, this will go global and it will be in every country. By spring, a person is just as likely to be exposed in their local supermarket in Tulsa, OK as they […]

Mass Tourism is Ruining Europe’s Great Cities

Some day, not right now and not in 2020 or 2021, but some day soon, European Focus and its founder James Derheim will simply stop taking clients to Paris, Amsterdam, Barcelona, Venice, Rome, Florence and the list goes on and on. Why? Mass tourism and the BILLIONS of people who are traveling – it’s ruining […]