Today in Isle sur la Sorge, France

The center of Isle sur la Sorge

We visited the market in this small town today, a colorful event, crowded even in this early part of the tourist season. Finding a place to park is an exercise in extreme patience and perseverance. This town, and other market towns, would be smart to initiate a park and ride service. Oh well. You can’t have everything.

Tablecloths imported from Africa are destroying the French textile industry

The market offers everything you can imagine, from handicrafts to things made in (eeek) China and Africa. Those “French” tablecloths for eight Euros each? Make in Africa. Yes. Africa. Thank you for the cheap tourists who insist on price over quality, it’s effectively killing off the French textile industry. While enjoying the market, we also were buffeted by the extreme winds of the mistral, roaring through the countryside after a short but violent storm last night. Dark clouds raced in over the Luberon, and today was exceptionally windy even though clear with just a few light clouds floating above. To experience the mistral is to experience nature at its most extreme.

Music for the passersby

The constant strong wind brings allergies to the forefront, shortens the temper and generally makes a mess of things. Oh well. It’s still Provence and it’s still beautiful beyond description.

Poppies outside of Isle sur la Sorge

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