Who Cares About History? What about Free Wifi?

July 29 I have noticed a disturbing trend here in Europe over the past several months. Young Americans, under the age of 17, so plugged in and addicted to the online experience that they are completely unaware – and uncaring – about the world around them. I witnessed young people desperately seeking a wireless signal […]

Last-Minute Tour Opportunity in Glorious September

This has not happened in more than a decade – we have an opening in the beautiful month of September! Tour Germany, or Ireland, or Austria or France during this lovely month. Dates of availability are between the 5th and the 21st. Don’t wait! Take this last-minute opportunity and fulfill your European travel dreams now.

Visiting Stalag Luft 3 in Zagan, Poland

This blog post is by our guest Lindsey Soliday, who traveled to this area with three members of her family on a private tour from July 16 to 28, 2014. http://bilbosadventures.blogspot.de/2014/07/poland.html

The Holocaust Memorial of Berlin

July 17 The Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe, also known as the Holocaust Memorial, is a memorial in Berlin to the Jewish victims of the Holocaust, designed by American architect Peter Eisenman and engineer Buro Happold.

Welcome Back Third Time

July 16 Tim S. and his family along with new wife Mary just arrived from Arizona to begin their 12-day adventure in Germany. Mary has never been to Germany, and she has roots here, so this is an extra special trip. Tim and his family last traveled with European Focus in 2005 and 2006. We […]

How Much does a European Focus Private Tour Cost?

July 14 Since all of our tours are custom-designed around the wishes and needs of our clients, it is impossible to provide pricing in advance. No two tours are alike. We are happy to provide an estimate after you fill out and submit your Tour Interest Form. There is no obligation and we never add […]

Vatican Museums and Sistine Chapel

July 11 After a string of negative experiences we have taken the Vatican Museums and the attached Sistine Chapel (you cannot visit the Sistine without going through the maze of the museum) permanently off our list of things to see and do in Rome, until they either change things in a major way at the […]