One Spot Left in 2014 Calendar

June 25 September is a wonderful time to be in Europe. Crisp days, clear air, not hot and not cold but in-between. James is available during the period of September 5 to 21. As this is our last opening for the year, special pricing applies. Contact us today to start on the trail to the […]

Start Fresh! Our New Arrival Program for 2015 and beyond

June 12 Announcing our ‘Start Fresh’ program for all tours in 2015 and beyond! (Does not apply to current clients who are ‘grandfathered’ into whatever system we have used for them in the past) This will apply to all tours of seven or more days in length and for all travelers who have at least […]

Solar Power Revolution in Spain

May 30 YES solar power has potential to cure many of our planet’s energy problems and keep CO2 out of our atmosphere. A revolutionary power system near Seville, Spain harnesses the power of the sun to liquefy (boil) salt. That boiling salt is then used to turn water into steam, which powers turbines, creating electricity. […]

The Speed of Europe

May 29 Germany moves at about 80 mph Italy at around 110 mph Spain at around 40 mph and that suits us just fine. Come to Spain. Not enough Americans do. We want to change that.

The Mezquita of Cordoba, Spain

May 29 There are few words to describe the amazing Mezquita of Cordoba, Spain. We spent more than an hour wandering inside the massive structure, which is clearly visible from our luxury boutique hotel located just a half minute’s walk from the walls of the former mosque. The structure goes back to Visigothic times when […]

The Chapel of Bones in Evora, Portugal

May 27 We spent the first two nights of a southern Portugal and southern Spain tour with repeat clients Art and Carol in the pretty hilltop town of Evora, Portugal. One of the places we visited there is the Chapel of Bones, built in the early 17th century by monks of the adjacent Monastery of […]