Travels around Provence and the Luberon

Jenean and I admit that scouting for future tours is our most favorite part of our jobs. Driving around, visiting villages and towns, locating hotels and restaurants and other unique places to take our future clients is an absolute joy and never feels like work. Of course, we are working, but it’s deliciously fun. We […]

Riding into Venice in Style

We enter with our group of eight this afternoon into the heart of Venice where we’re staying two nights at a lovely hotel in the San Marco district. It’s hot in Venice, so what better way to cool off than with a quick trip via water taxi?

Gimmelwald Switzerland Picnic Adventure

We took our current guests to the hamlet of Gimmelwald, in the Lauterbrunnen Valley of Switzerland the other day for a picnic lunch prepared by the staff of our hotel. It was magnificent! The weather cooperated and we had the most beautiful of views looking at the back side of the Jungfrau mountain. Photos are […]

European Focus Private Tours – Benefit Number 237

Stopping for lunch is not just a quick “grab and go,” like on the big bus tours. We plan our lunch stops carefully to take advantage of beautiful scenery, great food and a memory to last a lifetime. James took his guests to one of his favorite cafes high above the village of Beilstein, on […]

European Focus Private Tours Benefit #384

Spontaneous sightseeing is what we’re all about. When we drive along Europe’s back roads with our guests, and when we see something interesting, we check it out. Big Bus Companies are all about staying on a schedule. They have to, with 40 people, even a potty stop has to be coordinated. The other day, Jim […]