The Beara Peninsula

We were on the Beara Peninsula, Counties Cork and Kerry a few days ago. The memories of this wild place are still fresh in our minds. One of the highlights of our day spent on the Beara was a visit to Molly Gallivan’s cabin. This old house, which has stood since before “The Great Hunger” […]

Just Watching the Clouds

If I had an entire day with nothing to do in Ireland I would just sit and watch the clouds. Especially, along the western coastline where they change every few minutes. The Irish are fond of saying, “If you don’t like the weather, just wait 10 minutes.” This photo was taken near Slea Head on […]

Cobh, old Queenstown, has a sad aura of tragedy

A visit to Cobh is sometimes a somber one, especially when it’s raining lightly on the old graveyard on the north side of town. This is where more than 150 victims of the attack on the “Lusitania” are buried in three mass graves. We visited the cemetery on our way to the Cobh / Queenstown […]

Hard Times in Cashel, County Tipperary

It’s a sign of the times, or rather, lots of signs of the times when you see “50% off” sale signs in the windows of stores at the very beginning of what should be this town’s busiest season. Inquiring at a souvenir store selling high-quality items from around Ireland, we were told today that “we […]

Cashel in County Tipperary

The Rock of Cashel was our first destination after leaving Bunratty where we’d had a light lunch of seafood chowder at the excellent Gallagher’s next to the B&B where I’d spent the night previous. Cashel is best known for this huge cathedral, church, tower and castle complex built in the early years of the 12th […]

Courtyard Inn Bunratty Great Place to Stay

My first night in Ireland is spent at The Courtyard B&B in the hamlet of Bunratty, an easy 15-minute drive from the Shannon Airport where I’ll greet new guests Margaret, Elisabeth and Jennifer on Sunday. The Courtyard has become like a second home since I first stayed here in 2000 while on a scouting mission […]