European Focus
Private Tours & Ancestral Photography in Europe
Private Tours in Europe Ancestral Photos in Europe
About European Focus Private Tours and Photography

Custom Photography in Europe

Family historians who collect documents for years — or even decades — can be missing the "Big Picture" when it comes to truly understanding where their ancestors came from. European Focus answers the questions "what does my ancestral village look like?" and "what is the landscape like around where my ancestors lived?" Photography by European Focus is the next best thing to being there.

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Ancestral Town Photos

Czech Republic Photo Archives

Find professional, heirloom-quality images in these European towns:
Czesky Krumlov
Lazy (former Perlsberg)
Maletin (former Alt Moletein)
Marianske Lazne (former Marienbad)
Mladejov (former Blosdorf)
Rychnov (former Reichenbach)
Stara Dobev
Toepl (former Tepla)
Vlkowitz (former Wilkowitz)

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European Village Photo Archives

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Town or village names followed by “Church” mean that only the church in that location was photographed. If a town does not include “Church” then the viewer can take for granted that the church in that town was part of the original project, and is included.